“Architecture, Nature and Design have the power to transform the way we live and inspire us to see the world in a different way. It can make the world around us more exciting, our cities more liveable and sustainable, and our places of work more dynamic and interesting.” Oscar & Ponni Architects
Architects Oscar and Ponni Concessao, are a partnership firm based in Chennai. Oscar is a native of Mangalore and is an alumni of St. Aloysius School and College campus which overlooked the Arabian seacoast and was inspired by the Portuguese classical architecture prevalent in Mangalore. Ponni is an alumni of the Presentation Convent Church Park School in Chennai, and grew up in the coastal metropolis of Chennai. Both Oscar and Ponni are alumni for Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli. Both the partners did their Master’s Degrees from University of Oklahoma and Cornell University, USA and later received their advanced professional studies specialization at Harvard University USA and were conferred with honorary Doctorates from the University of Malaysia and Universita of Milano for modern architecture. Following their nation-building dreams they moved back to India in 1996 and founded Oscar & Ponni Architects in Chennai. Oscar and Ponni Architects have won 137 national, state and international awards.
Our firm specializes in Urban design, Architecture and Interior Design stressing on Green Building norms and sustainable architectural design. Our project typologies include institutional, hotels, IT parks, museums, urban design projects, commercial projects and prestigious homes. Our professional work experience in India has spanned more than two decades and we have built projects all over the country as well as abroad. We have also been involved in the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana project and also built noon-meal centers, toilets for underprivileged girl students as well as schools for leprosy afflicted patients’ children. Our architectural and interior design project footprint is in 100 cities in India and abroad.
Oscar & Ponni Architects Design Philosophy “The design process is an organic and complicated one…. Constant re-generation of drawings until we have an idea worth pursuing is the way we work. The intuitive freedom to let your mind and your pencil wander through ideas always results in the most rewarding and successful designs.” We draw inspiration from nature, my client’s brief, site conditions as well as contextual factors. We also believe in technology, Indian heritage, sustainability and contextual factors while designing.
Oscar & Ponni Architects have won 137, International, National and State Awards for Architecture and Interior design. Some of the main awards are, both Oscar & Ponni won the Distinguished Alumni Award for the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of National Institute of Technology, Trichy from his Excellency Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, President of India in 2014. Won the Indian Institute of Architects National Award for the Sastra University Biotech Campus, 2008. Women Icon of Asia International Award for Architect Ponni Concessao, Singapore 2019. Several Icon of Spaces and Estrade International Awards for Architecture and Interiors, Singapore and Indian Buildings Congress National Awards for Architecture & Interiors

We are involved in Social Service projects for past 30 years in National and International organization in the field of Women’s Empowerment, Leprosy eradication, built noon meal centers and Toilets for under privileged girl students, Tsunami Housing, and raised funds for Rotary, Round Table and Ladies circle India and Rising star outreach of India by conducting my Painting exhibitions and the proceeds for these causes. Been a key note speaker for the past 30 years in International and national conferences, been on Governing Councils in universities, Academic Advisor and involved in Architectural education in India.